Legal Review Case Studies


FARA Recovery will review legal bills for compliance with guidelines of the Legal Professional Rules of Conduct and Responsibility and Insurance Industry guidelines. Most Corporations, investment funds, family offices, insurance companies, government agencies and municipalities, employee benefit/ pension funds can benefit and save money from reviewing their legal bills.

Some of the situations which have demonstrated areas of over-billing are:

1. Large dollar value disputes, claims, lawsuits, either as a plaintiff or defendant where parties may be major corporations, financial institutions, insurance companies, banks, funds, plans and government and regulatory entities and agencies.

2. General largescale corporate matters which may include offerings, debt, mergers and acquisitions.

3. Multiple party actions, class actions, shareholder actions in civil lawsuits which maybe commercial or tort actions.

4. Employee benefit and pension plans that may have administrators either in house or third party, charging excessive legal billing for the processing of claims and plans.

5. Insurance claims

a. Large Property and Casualty claims which may include legal billing for property damage claims which may cover areas impacted by natural disaster (hurricane, tornado, fire, flood), and construction defects for new, renovated and rebuilt structures and infrastructure.

b. Plaintiff’s cases against and defendant’s insurance defense litigation costs in major insurance claim actions.

To inquire about a legal bill review for your organization, please contact us at the following:

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